ray schooley


ray schooley

I spent my work life as a mainframe computer programmer. I started throwing pots back in 2002. Being that I was about to retire I felt that clay might be better than daytime TV. After throwing a few pieces I recognized that anything I might make I could get at Pottery Barn for lots less that studio costs. So I started putting faces on my pots (crude at first) but got fascinated by faces. Most everything I make today has a face, usually human but a few animals.

After a while I took a sculpture class with Shiela Eddinger at the Evanston Art Center, at that time in the basement of the Noyes building. I learned much from her.  We worked with live models. Some of my better pieces came out of that experience. I miss working from models but the Guild has no facility to do that.

My artistic experience prior to clay was community theatre. I have worked in no art other than with clay. My interest in playing in the mud is pure and simple enjoyment. Selling has never been of interest to me but I have given away or traded a few pieces. I still have most everything I’ve made. My attitude toward selling may have to change because I am running out of room.

I plan to get muddy until I am carried out.